Public Group
21 hours agoNorDig Technical Committee
Chair: Per Tullstedt
Group mail:
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_final_draft012_Clean.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
NorDig Unified IRD spec v3.0, final draft 012 sent to Excom for approval, here CLEAN (no markup) version.
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_final_draft012_Markup.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
NorDig Unified IRD spec v3.0, final draft 012 sent to Excom for approval, here MARKUP version.
Main updates compared to draft008 are:
– NGA has been removed Ch1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 16 (postponed to next Excom meeting/next IRD spec update, waiting Excom decision)
– HbbTV, changed from mandatory for all HEVC IRDs to mandatory for HEVC iDTVs (Excom…[Read more] -
Peter Moelsted uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_draft010.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
This IRD v3.0 draft010 have been updated as follow:
DVB-S2X draft004 changes (chapter 3, 12 & 13)
Changes from extra NorDig T meeting 9 November 2017 (green text to yellow),
Checked and updated all links and references in the document,
Updated list of members and partners,
Corrected typos and layout errors,
Figure and Table numbering are updated. -
Per Tullstedt deleted the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_draft009_b.docx from
NorDigT 7 years ago
Peter Moelsted edited the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_draft009_c.docx in
NorDigT 7 years ago
Peter Moelsted uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_draft009_c.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Changes compared to draft008:
– NGA removed (chapter 1, 2, 6, 12, 16)
– Removed NorDig proprietary PMT descriptor for HDCP control (drafted but still waiting NRK approval)
– TTML 2year grace period incl
– HbbTV, changed mandatory for all HEVC IRD to mandatory for HEVC IDTVs.
– 12.6.3 component prio corrected (no prio between AVC SD and HD inside…[Read more] -
Peter Moelsted deleted the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3.0_draft009_c.docx from
NorDigT 7 years ago
Torsten Krokotsch joined the group
NorDigT 7 years ago
Ipek Çıracı joined the group
NorDigT 7 years ago
Gökhan Çetin joined the group
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig T report back from Excom 20171005 draft009b.pptx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Preliminary notes from NorDig Excom (related to NorDig Technical module).
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig T report back from Excom 20171005 draft009b.pdf to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Preliminary notes from NorDig Excom (related to NorDig Technical module).
Per Tullstedt deleted the file: NorDig T report back from Excom 20171005 draft009b.pptx from
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3_0 draft008.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Draft to be presented on NorDig Excom meeting 5th Oct 2017
Peter Moelsted uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3_0 draft007.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_ver_3_0 draft006.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
First complete draft (“95%” ready) and it includes: video draft 021, audio draft 010, subtitling draft 009, API draft 002, other draft005, plus late proposal for: DVB-S2X (ch3.2), SI Simulcast signalling (12.3.4) and SI for HEVC service (component descriptor) (12.3.6). Many thanks to our editor who managed to do.
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDigT_NGA-AC4_Dolby_2017-09-20.pdf to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt edited the file: NorDigT_NGA-MPEG-H_Fraunhofer_2017-09-20.pdf in
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDigT_NGA-MPEG-H_Fraunhofer_2017-09-20.pdf to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Per Tullstedt uploaded the file: NorDig-Unified_IRD_v3.0_others_draft005.docx to
NorDigT 7 years ago
Draft, chapter 12 (SI) still much under construction and not stable
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